From Ideation to Concept ✷

Week 01 | Nov 11

In the morning everyone had the opportunity to perform their analog personal data. From live drawings and the mixing of water colour paints, to self-made beats and hand gestures representing leg positions — all the performances were really interesting interpretations of the individually collected data. The rest of the day consisted of a presentation from Marcial, as well as various discussions which led to the formation of the groups.

Inspiration from Marcial’s Presentation

Various projects shared by Marcial in his presentation; links are included in the Figma file

Questions to Consider

  1. What drives the design? e.g. is it functional, speculation or critique
  2. Where could the data come from? Tracking? e.g. sensors
  3. How could you map the data to a geometry? e.g. using a metaphor
  4. Or is the form making process inspired by existing models? e.g. fungus, cell division, etc.
  5. What is the fabrication process?

Summary of Discussion

  • Revealing what is not typically visible, patterns, etc.
  • Exploring more than the five basic human instincts e.g. proprioception
  • Biochemicals e.g. tears, sweat, saliva, etc.
  • Humans as a kind of “body factory” and/or circular economy
  • Gaining a different perspective
  • Radio frequencies
  • Furniture as extensions of the body
  • Physical restrictions e.g. voodoo dolls
  • Emotional literacy
  • Ageing process and transformation of the body
  • The world or surrounding environment as a playground
  • Living in a different body; simulating other body functions e.g. pregnancy
  • Deprivation e.g. sleep
  • Ingestible devices
  • Hack yourself
Screenshot of Zoom showing the groups we formed based on our topics of interest

Emotional Literacy

Andy Kirk, Colin Schmid, Roman Engler, Zoë Urand



AK | CS | RE | ZU
AK | CS | RE | ZU

Written by AK | CS | RE | ZU

Interaction Design students from the Zurich University of the Arts documenting their process during the Embodied Interaction module.

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